So after a whirlwind holiday or drunkenness interspersed with moments of sobriety where I actually managed to speak to my friends and family, I expected it would take a while for me to get back into the swing of work. I was half right. I started slow and work proceeded to teabag me. So now a week later I’m finally caught up and back in the thick of things. The grundle or doadis of work if you will. Nothing too crazy, just a little running around the Carolinas and a week in Chicago, which is quickly becoming my favorite city in the states. Next week I’ll do more of the same.

On even less exciting news I went to the Improv in downtown Chuck last weekend. It was a pretty decent set for local players. Although sadly they didn’t take my suggestion of “Killing a Drifter!” when they asked the audience for a common experience to base a sketch off. The whole cast actually repeated what I had said in unison in a shocked tone. Then I saw the main actor mutter wow… Then my tampon fell out of my purse in front of the whole class and my crush picked up it, I was absolutely mortified. Anyway, while down there I noticed the chair in front of me was sponsored by Stephen Colbert, a native of the chuck.